Bhotanica Garden

A land of more than 2.000  , located in the east of Bhotanica structure, composed of a botanic garden and a fruit/horticultural area. A little paradise, an oasis in the middle of the Alps organized in terraces full of nature treasures.

In the botanic garden you will discover the main trees, shrubs and herbs of the Mediterranean and Alpine regions, with a particular regard to the essences of Aosta Valley flora. Three distinguished groups of vegetation (Mediterranean, mountain and Alpine) are disposed to ascend, with several terraces divided by walkways that permit to discover the garden without interruptions and effort. Besides the botanic aspect, the aesthetic aspect has been treated as well: a hydric path starts from the Alpine zone and goes down to the Mediterranean plants. To the botanic collection is linked a zone dedicated to medicinal herbs and a zone with fruit trees.

The design of the forest environments has provided for the planting of more than 1,500 trees, shrubs and grasses, as well as different flower essences, in addition to numerous vegetables and fruit varieties.

A vast “rock garden” has also been set up where, in the midst of various boulders of our territory, one hundred species of flowers typical of the alpine environment of Valle d’Aosta stand out. 

You can walk in the paths sown with specific carpeting herbs and discover the numerous species present, suitably selected for environments and inserted in contexts that enhance the aesthetic and landscape.

In the botanical garden you can also collect and appreciate the varied therapeutic properties of medicinal plants and enjoy the fresh vegetables of the garden or the different products of the fruit garden. An evocative lighting system has also been created, which will allow guests to admire and visit the park at night.

The designer of the Botanical Park: Corrado LETEY

Specialized instructor of applied silviculture; Professor of silviculture, botany and forest ecology at various technical institutes in the Aosta Valley; Former Senior Inspector of the Forestry Corps of Aosta Valley; Former Manager of the Monumental Plants, Parks and Gardens Sector of the Autonomous Region of Aosta Valley; passionate naturalist and hiker

Fondo europeo agricolo per lo sviluppo rurale: l’Europa investe nelle zone rurali

La società Argnod s.n.c di Barocco Ennio & C. ha beneficiato dei sostegni previsti dal Programma di sviluppo rurale della Valle d’Aosta 2014/2020 Bando 6.4.2. L’idea progettuale è consistita nella realizzazione di una CAV (Casa appartamenti per vacanza) con annesso parco botanico in località Argnod del Comune di Quart.

L’idea imprenditoriale nasce dal bando GAL, il finanziamento richiesto ha permesso la realizzazione del parco botanico e gli arredi di quattro unità immobiliari.
Questa attività permetterà di far conoscere le particolarità botaniche della Valle d’Aosta e delle Alpi con particolare riguardo agli influssi dei cambiamenti climatici e di creare reti di collaborazione con altri operatori del settore promuovendo la conoscenza e valorizzazione dei prodotti naturali quali le erbe officinali e aromatiche coltivate nel parco botanico.

Autorità di gestione: Regione Autonoma Valle d’Aosta Assessorato Agricoltura e Risorse naturali Struttura Politiche regionali di Sviluppo rurale

Organismo responsabile dell’informazione: Ennio Barocco
